Friday, June 26, 2015

I'm Baaaaccckkk!

It's been way too long since I posted  and I hope to get in gear and accomplish something.  I'd like to share those accomplishments with you.  I'd love hearing back from you.  If you have an idea how I could improve my work, please tell me.  I also am trying to make some improvements around the Bijou.  Trying is the key word!

I'm in an art group with 14 wonderful women.  There is much talent in the group and people are so generous with their help.  The group is called MMIA( Mixed Media Inspired Artists).  Please visit our website that was just published:

I had done some painting and have two in progress.

Here is one I finished.  These colors screamed at me to use them.  Of course, you may think these colors just scream!  I've actually made some slight improvements to it since this photo was taken but the picture I have of it is on a disc and guess what?  Yep, this computer does not accept discs.  So I need to transfer it to a flash drive.  Of course I'll have to use someone else's computer...

Water Garden

I don't have pics at this time of the work in progress but I'll post some in a few days.


 Have you ever tried to get people to do work on your house?  It is not easy.  After having a huge unfinished patch in my ceiling for several months, I hope that next week someone is coming to fix it.  I am planning to change the cabinetry in the kitchen by putting in drawers.  The cabinet man came here oh about six weeks ago.  About three weeks ago, he wanted to send someone to measure again. Last Wednesday, he said he'd either call me on Thursday or next Monday before that someone came here to measure.  Please cross your fingers for Monday as it didn't happen on Thursday!

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  1. Glad to see you back on. Thank you for getting the website up and running. My sister has many talents.

  2. I'm obviously challenged in the comment dept. I typed a comment and hit publish. Waited, refreshed the page, not here. So I'm trying again.
    I'll try to make more comments now that you're back. Love the screaming water garden.


I hope I have made it easier for you to comment using the anonymous choice. I would love for you to be a member of this blog so that I could eventually switch over to members only. If you have a Google Acct. you can also use that. If you use the anonymous choice, please let me know who you are in your comment! Thanks :-)