Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween in Cleveland

Halloween comes to Cleveland in a big way and if you live close to the center of town, you'd better be ready to hand out LOTS of candy!  My street doesn't have a sidewalk so I don't get many visitors.  However I did have one horrible incident as my dog somehow burst out of the house and bit a small child.  I haven't quite recovered from that yet and I'm sure Timothy hasn't either.

Later I want down town where the streets are blocked off and there is a huge party with a band. Lots of people in costumes.

 My niece, Katie
 People headed to Treat Street where Mars Candy was handing out M&Ms which are made here
 Of course the good costumes where either in front of these people or behind.  I never could get the right shot
SIL Kay and I had our pics taken with Tall Betsy who is a legend around here.  The man to our side stood there so Tall Betsy wouldn't fall. He was just the right height for Tall Betsy to hold on to his head. (I don't think that Bailey, who was Tall Betsy for the evening had much practice with those stilts)

The rain held off long enough so the block party could be enjoyed by all.  I came home and ate a few very tiny Kit Kat bars!


  1. Kit Kat bars for us too! But no one called - no small children in our village (except some little girls who would not be allowed out). So plenty for us but that feels a little sad.

    How interesting about M&Ms being made near you. In France, they had a problem of blue honey after bees found some (presumably discarded) blue ones in a factory skip.

    Our little granddaughters are in other countries but they'll be sending us photos. Our little Dutch one wore a long black cloak and was Dracula. They really go for Hallowe'en in Amsterdam.

    1. Sometimes the air smells of chocolate. So wonderful.


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