Saturday, December 2, 2017

Katie to the Rescue

I thought it would be so simple. I was wrong.

My plan was to use 2 sets of bifold doors to display my paintings. I wrestled them out of my shed with the help of my brother. They smelled musty and were dirty so I cleaned them and left them in the sun in with the very slim hope that they would smell better. While they were sunning, I dug around and found some appropriate paint for them. Of course, I waited a day too long and it started raining so they had to be brought inside to be painted. I set them up using the backs of folding chairs for sawhorses. Bit by bit, I got them painted, but it isn't a very good job. Meanwhile, the Toyota dealership called me.

This, THIS is the time they want to put me in a COROLLA while they figure out what is wrong with the lift gate on my Highlander. Are you getting an idea of the problem? There was no way those doors were going to fit in the Corolla. I called my sister with the idea that she would help me and we could use her CRX. She was on her way out of town but was generous enough to leave me her car. Alas, the doors would not fit in it.  My brother also went out of town for the day. So much for siblings!

It was my niece, Katie, who came to my rescue with an enormous truck. She helped me get the doors to the museum and I got partially set up. I still have a bit of setting up to do tomorrow. Tonight I have to get my business cards, finish at least one painting, get the labels done and do a few touch-ups.

I know it is difficult to tell what is what in this photo. The doors to the right are still empty as the Command Strips needed to cure. I know that my friend Jacky has already claimed three mouse traps so at least I'll sell those!

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