Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Nice Little Surprise for Me!

Yes, I had a nice little surprise but I'll tell about that later.  First, I finally got a few things done at the Bijou but as Robert Frost said, "I have miles to go before I sleep."  Well at least I have many things to do before I am near completion of my guest room.

Does anyone else forget to take the BEFORE pics?  This time I was fortunate to find one.  My Uncle Harvey made this cedar chest but I am not sure when, perhaps when he was in high school which was before WWII.  It needs repair but I didn't realize how much until I made it mine.

This picture of how it looked originally flatters it; the wood did not look nearly as good as this.

What can I say?  I like paint!  I painted it dark and then gave it a crackle finish.

The bed is not finished but I am pretty pleased with it. It is difficult to find a queen bed that looks right with my old furniture so I asked Jenny, my niece, to built it and a few weeks later it was delivered.  Now I need to paint.  I could stain but I really like paint!  Then I will put another surprise piece on it for the headboard.  I have my fingers crossed that it will work.

Oh, did you notice the curtains?  I found the fabric but never could make myself sit down and sew them.  Jenny to the rescue.  Then the task became hanging them because I couldn't  screw anything into the wall. Even the electric drill would stop short.  In the end I decided that a backing was needed (we used a 1x6) and got someone with a nail gun to put them up.

The Christmas cactus is blooming right on schedule!

And now for the surprise.  Actually I had two surprises.  On St. Nicholas Day I found a borrowed shoe on my porch will with chocolate coins.  You better bet, I'll be leaving my own shoe out next year!

A few days later I found this poinsettia on my porch.  I have no idea who gave it to me, which is a bit disconcerting... But if you are reading this blog, I want you to know I appreciate it very much!
 (oops, I left the top to a candle jar on the mantel)

Doesn't it look beautiful on the mantel?

I hope all is well with you and as always, I'd love to hear from you!


  1. The cactus and the poinsettia look so good. A nice bright spot on these mostly grey days

  2. The cactus and the poinsettia look so good. A nice bright spot on these mostly grey days


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