On the home front, my son and his wife distressed the walls in what is now my old world (of sorts) guest room. It isn't the look that everyone would want but I think it is fun.
Nice color but very dark even when curtains were opened. (This was taken at night)
These pics were taken during the process.
And here are some pics of the finished product--they do not look very different from the "in progress" pics!
Those strange looking iron pieces next to the bed are going to be the headboard. They are rusted sides to an old school desk. The chest is more the color of the pillows rather than green as it appears under the incandescent lights. The quilt is from my grandmother and they bear is from my childhood.
Next up for painting is my bedroom but it will be a solid color!
I can't wait to see it "in person". Not exactly what I had imagined but very interesting and full of possibility for even further enhancement. A playground!