Well, it didn't take me long to miss a post but I'm trying to get back on track. Here is yesterday's intended post. It was interesting to read some interpretations on FaceBook. I had not thought about the people being sad but that was what several people said. During this pandemic and time of political upheaval, I understand their view and appreciate it. What do you think?
Oops I just realized that the photo is crooked. The green on the right is the wall. Sorry.
We Were There
Acrylic on Canvas 36x24
Here is today's piece which is more non-objective. If you look closely, you see bits of paper because this painting has many layers. As it came together, I began to have a vision. What you see may be different but call it Asian Fishing Village.
Asian Fishing Village
Mixed Media 16x20
As always, I welcome your comments. However, I realize that some of you have had difficulty having you comments accepted. I do not know what the problem is but I'll investigate . Meanwhile I welcome your email. vickistyons@me.com
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