Monday, May 3, 2021

Covid 19

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 I am hopeful that the nation and the world will emerge from Covid 19 soon. I feel much safer now that I have had my vaccinations and I have finally gone to the grocery story...twice! During this season of isolation, I have had plenty of time to paint but I haven't had inclination.. It appears that I am an extrovert and as such I get my energy from being around others. Every day I looked at the next and thought that I could start a new canvas then but the tomorrows came and went while my paints remained safely in their tubes. 

I will be in an art show later in May--I don't have the details yet. However, I started reworking some previous work. This one had a significant change.

I decided to do some negative painting and this is the result. I'm still undecided about putting a green glaze on the entire tree. Feel free to offer your opinion. 

Out on a Limb


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